Thursday, 10 April 2014

glasses for david.

david has had the same glasses since we graduated high school in 2010. the simple black frames have served him well however, it’s time for a new pair. we don’t have any extended medical coverage and david’s eyes are so bad that he needs super expensive lenses. as an alternative to spending 500 bones on a pair of specs we decided to look at our online options. so far we've been able to find multiple pairs for $200 or less which is sa-weeeeeet. the picture above is what he has now. 

as far as style goes we’re looking for a pair of neutral full-rimmed frames, probably of the plastic variety. i’m thinking either black or brown.

Here are the top contenders… 

these ones from clearly contacts.

or maybe these,

i also love these ones from Lookmatic. they have a great shape and i like that they don't dip down to much in the middle. 

they also have crazy cheap ones that we're considering from this website. they've got frames for as low as $9.99, it's nuts. they have tons of selection, it was hard to narrow it down to just a few. at these kind of prices maybe we could get two pairs!

we tried a couple on at superstore yesterday and david liked these ones best. we didn't check to see how much the lenses cost though...

so, which would you pick? 

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