Monday, 18 August 2014

lately, in photos.

(in no particular order)

1. alex and fred get married.

2. the bench we got engaged on (almost two years ago!)

3. david watches planes, i watch david. we both enjoyed our views.

4.  kristina attempts to weave. 

5. mini golf pros. 

6. giant rubber ducky at the richmond night market. 

hope you had a great start to your week! 

Monday, 11 August 2014

weekend success.

happy monday! i hope your week is off to a good start. today i'm at work and still recovering from a busy (but amazing!) weekend. on friday we got all dressed up to celebrate the wedding of our very close friends. it was a great day filled with love, laughter, and dancing. (congratulations alex and fred!) on saturday we packed up for a belated anniversary getaway. we stayed in richmond and went to vancouver for the day too. more details on that later... and then we wrapped up the weekend with a family bbq celebrating my favourite 11-year-old cousins birthday. all in all, a very successful weekend.

ps. did you notice david's new glasses!??! i finally took the plunge for him and bought him this pair for an anniversary present. another success in the kobes household.

Friday, 1 August 2014

summer bucket list update

well, it's officially august. only one more month of summer! so far we've crossed quite a few things off our summer bucket list but we still have some more to go. here's where we're at:
  • walk to the movie theatre and watch a movie
  • repaint the desk
  • go to jam in jubilee
  • have friends over for a bbq
  • go to seattle vanvouver for a night (next weekend!)
  • go to cultus lake and swim (i have to specify ‘swim’ otherwise david won’t)
  • make nightstands
  • go to whistler 2x
  • read a book that’s not a textbook (in progress)
  • work lots/make $$$ (so far so good!) 
  • go to the gym/work out 2x a week (complete fail so far...) 
  • keep our plants alive
  • do the abby grind
  • go (real) camping
  • get good grades in summer classes
  • go to burnaby mountain and watch the sunset
  • go to the driving range
  • richmond night market (planned for next weekend) 
  • celebration of light
next weekend me and david are planning a belated anniversary celebration by spending a night in vancouver. we plan to hit up the richmond night market and do lots of sitting by the hotel pool. 

i hope you all are crossing lots of things off your summer bucket lists! have a fantastic weekend :)